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Carbon Aceh has established a Joint Venture with the Government of Aceh to create an open access Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) hub.
Carbon Aceh has signed an agreement with PT Pembangunan Aceh (PEMA), an enterprise owned by the Government of Aceh to create a Joint Venture company called PT PEMA Aceh Carbon to evaluate and re-develop the depleted Arun gas field in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia for carbon capture and storage (CCS) which will contribute to turning the province of Aceh in Indonesia into a regional CCS hub.

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The Arun Field, one of the top 200 gas fields in the world, has many characteristics which make it well suited for carbon capture and storage.


PT PEMA Aceh Carbon has the exclusive right to undertake a feasibility study to investigate the redevelopment of the depleted Arun gas reservoirs as a carbon storage facility.   In addition to a detailed study of the Arun reservoir the feasibility study will evaluate the potential for re-use of all existing wells, pipelines, and all other facilities and equipment considered necessary for the operation of a CCS project.  Upon completion of the study the JV company will have the exclusive right to develop and operate a carbon storage facility which will be used to reduce carbon emissions and facilitate economic development across the whole region.  
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